The CSA Model

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a CSA Share or Subscription?

Short for ‘Community Supported Agriculture’, local customers are able to purchase flower shares for the season ahead of time which helps to support the farm in advance. When the harvest begins the shareholders then pick up their beautiful flowers weekly at the designated location.


How will I know when to get my flowers?

An exact start week will be announced by email 2-3 weeks before the first pick up. Mother nature is in charge of this one so we follow her lead! Once we send out the start date we will remind you again 24 hours in advance of the first pick up. Fridays are always the pick up day at every location.


What if I can’t pick up my flowers?

If you know that you will be out of town on any week during the subscription we encourage you to send a friend or family member to pick up your bouquet. The shares are preplanned and cannot be changed during the CSA.


What will the bouquets look like?

The spring share's weekly bunches are of a single flower type such as Tulips or Fancy Daffodils. The Summer bouquet share will feature a wide variety of different flowers and presented in a handcrafted bouquet. The Fall share will include a variety of dahlias and other cut flowers carefully arranged and ready for your vase.